Hour 4: Tools and Resources Available

Welcome to Hour 4 of the Raymond Duggan Travel Affiliate Program Training!

Utilising Affiliate Tools

As a Booking.com affiliate, you have access to a variety of tools and resources designed to help you effectively promote accommodations and maximise your earnings. Let's explore these tools in detail.

Overview of Tools Provided by Booking.com

  1. Link Builder:
    • Create custom tracking links to promote specific accommodations, destinations, or pages on Booking.com.
    • Track the performance of these links to understand what drives the most traffic and conversions.
  2. Banners:
    • Pre-designed visual banners in various sizes and styles to fit different areas of your website or blog.
    • Banners can be static images or animated, and they highlight special offers, seasonal promotions, or popular destinations.
  3. Widgets:
    • Interactive tools that you can embed on your website to enhance user engagement.
    • Examples include search boxes, deal finders, and recommendation engines that provide visitors with real-time booking options.
  4. Deep Links:
    • Direct links to specific properties or pages on Booking.com that can be embedded in your content.
    • These links can be tailored to match the context of your articles or promotions, increasing relevance and conversion rates.

How to Use Banners, Links, and Widgets

  1. Adding Banners:
    • Choose a banner that fits the design and layout of your website.
    • Copy the HTML code provided and paste it into the desired location on your website.
  2. Generating Tracking Links:
    • Use the Link Builder tool to create links that track clicks and conversions.
    • Customise these links with parameters to target specific audiences or campaigns.
  3. Embedding Widgets:
    • Select the type of widget that best suits your website’s content and audience.
    • Copy the widget code and embed it into your site’s HTML. Adjust the size and settings as needed to ensure it fits seamlessly.
  4. Using Deep Links:
    • Identify relevant content on your website where a deep link would add value.
    • Generate the deep link from your affiliate dashboard and embed it within your content.

Accessing and Using the Resource Center

  1. Help Center:
    • Access articles, guides, and FAQs that cover a wide range of topics related to the affiliate program.
    • Use the search function to quickly find answers to your questions.
  2. Tutorials and Webinars:
    • Watch video tutorials and attend live webinars hosted by Booking.com experts to learn about best practices and new tools.
    • These resources are great for both beginners and advanced affiliates looking to enhance their skills.
  3. Marketing Materials:
    • Download promotional materials, including logos, images, and copy templates, to use in your marketing efforts.
    • Ensure that all materials comply with Booking.com’s branding guidelines.
  4. Community Forums:
    • Join the affiliate community to share experiences, tips, and advice with other affiliates.
    • Participate in discussions and network with peers to stay informed about industry trends and opportunities.

Action Items for Hour 4:

  • Explore the Link Builder, Banners, and Widgets sections in your affiliate dashboard.
  • Add a banner and a widget to your website or blog.
  • Create and embed a few custom tracking links and deep links in your content.
  • Visit the Resource Center and familiarise yourself with the available materials and support options.

By the end of this hour, you should be comfortable using the various tools provided by Booking.com to enhance your promotional efforts and improve your website’s user experience. Keep up the great work